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Advanced Social Emotional Intelligence (SEI) Self-Assessment Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question honestly. For each statement, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where:

  • 1 = Strongly Disagree

  • 2 = Disagree

  • 3 = Neutral

  • 4 = Agree

  • 5 = Strongly Agree

Reflection Guide:

  • 20-25: This area is a strong suit for you. Reflect on how you can use this strength in different areas of life.

  • 15-19: You have good skills in this area, but there may be room for growth. Consider ways to practice and strengthen these skills.

  • 10-14: This may be an area for improvement. Reflect on strategies or resources to help you develop in this area.

  • Below 10: This area may need attention. Think about specific actions you can take to work on these skills, such as observing others, seeking feedback, or practicing self-reflection.

Discussion Questions:

  • Which SEI skill did you score highest in? How does it help you in your scientific career and personal life?

  • Which SEI skill would you like to improve? What specific steps can you take to develop it?

  • How can recognizing your SEI strengths and weaknesses help you in future professional settings?

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